Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Works For Me! Kid's Snacks

Over a dozen times each day I am asked "I'm hungry. What can I eat?" Sound familiar? Now that my kids are able to open the refrigerator I have designated the bottom bin their snack bin. I fill it with apples, yogurt, string cheese, and other healthy options (even things like raisins and such that don't have to be refrigerated - at least it is in one place). Now instead of asking what they can have, they ask if they can have a snack. It's so much easier on my brain just to say yes, than to think of what we have. Easy. Works for me!

I just discovered Real Food Wednesday and adore it. She has weekly themes. This week it's great time-saving kitchen tip or nutrition tips. The list of past carnival are nice to browse as well because you know what topic is covered. Go see for yourself!


  1. Great idea! Mine are starting to explore the refrigerator too,so I may use your strategy! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh, my daughter would love this! She's quite the "big girl" (3 years) and enjoys doing things all by herself. I'll have to do this. Works for me!

  4. This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I'll have to give thought to a good location for us...
    Amy Ellen at

  5. The dreaded "I'm Hungry!" hahaha! I swear I hear that all day long, mine are snacking on cottage cheese and raisins as we speak :)

  6. We have an "anytime" snack drawer, too! We picked the idea up from my sister-in-law.

  7. Oh, I LOVE this idea. Very useful.

  8. This is such a good idea. I am thinking I am going to give this a try. My six year old is always going through the kitchen looking for snacks.
