I started writing my Two Cents topic on choices then couldn't make a choice on where I wanted to go with it....this is as far as I got...
Over at Tutu's Bliss the Two Cent topic today is choices. I am a pretty indecisive person. I cannot decide where I want to eat when we go out or what movie to see when the choice presents itself. But I CAN readily tell you where I do NOT want to go or do NOT want to see. So where does that leave me? Nowhere.
And that is it. I guess I have no strong opinions on choices :) But I do have strong a opinion on tattoos on Barbie Dolls. Just so you know, I have two tattoos. I have no problem with anyone having tattoos...even covering their bodies. I wouldn't mind a bit if my child's teacher, coach or pastor had one. I have nothing against them and I wouldn't mind my daughters getting them WHEN THEY ARE 18. So why are they selling Barbies to our girls that come with tattoos?
After MUCH reluctance we let our 6 year old (and therefore our 3 year old as well) have Barbies. I grew up playing with them and looking back thought that they put too much emphasis on outward beauty (or, at least, the world standard of beauty). What made me change my mind? When they play with Barbies they are really engaged in fantasy play. They are creative. They are playing with each other. They are making things up. They are making beds, cars, and boats out of tinker toys for their dolls. They are learning to make choices (the pink skirt or the blue one :) All of these are great things for a CHILD to do. So why are we making them grow up so quickly?
Our kids should be allowed to be kids. In my opinion tattoos are not a part of being a kid. Thong panties on a Bratz doll is not allowing kids to be kids (we draw the line at Bratz). Why on earth do we want these things to be the norm for our little girls? Do we really want our precious little princesses to grow up so quickly? It's going to happen eventually. I would like to have to wait until she's 16 (yes,probably 16, because it will still happen before I really would like to) to deal with tattoos. That's my two cents. What do you think??
I am so thankful that I have boys. I am with you on all of that. I have nieces and the clothes they wear, the Bratz dolls they play with, all to old for little girls. I don't know I how I would handle it. Like you I played with baries and you are so right they are an express of play and wonderful but when and where is the line crossed?
ReplyDeleteThings I avoid like the plague on behalf of my daughters - Bratz, Barbie, Hannah Montana, The Jonas Bros., poison ivy, TV with curse words (Beloved not so much but I'm working on him), and the underwear section at Target, WalMart and Victoria's Secret as a whole. Maybe I'm just a prude like that but I'm glad to see I'm in good company!
ReplyDeleteWe don't have Bratz either..there is something about a baby doll in a diaper chain and lipstick posed against a motorcycle that creeps me out.
ReplyDeleteNow for Barbie..she doesn't bother me. She is pretty but my daughter has taught me that she is as smart as she is pretty. Our Barbies battle dragons, rescue wild animals and cure disease. The great thing about a hunk of plastic is she can be anything she wants to be. HUGS, Jen
I have a tattoo and my oldest daughter has one too. I don't have a problem with them on people...I had NO idea they were selling Barbie's with them though and I definitely think that's too much.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree..... I swear kids are growing up WAYYYYYYY too fast these days!!
ReplyDeleteYou caved!!! I didn't know Barbies now had tattoos. What's next... belly button piercings?!?!
ReplyDeleteActually it's often 18 that is the minimum for young ladies to get their first tattoo, so, yes, on dolls, too young, I guess.