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We were in Odessa, Ukraine...at the time it was still kind of the USSR as it was all breaking apart. We were there for about 6 weeks on an exchange program. Would couldn't go when we initially planned to because of the Gorbachev coup. We couldn't go home as expected either because of civil unrest. And I'm pretty sure we were told to try to "blend in" and if anyone asked, that we were from the Baltic Republic (nobody would have believed it - we smiled way too much). "Our Russians" (as we liked to call them) had come to stay with us earlier that year. I could fill pages with memories from the trip.
So here I am in my letter jacket (a must have those days) and a huge scrunchie. We were wearing their school uniforms. It was gray and smoggy all of the time as you can see in the background. We were there over Thanksgiving and I brought one can of Spaghetti O's and a can opener so I could celebrate :) The priorities of a high schooler!