Kelli over at Outside My Kitchen Window tagged me for some Keeping it Real fun.
Here are the rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play.

I did play the right way (this picture IS from yesterday morning around 7am) I'm just a
little tardy posting it...
So let's see you Keep It Real....but first one more tag (I'm going to tag you for BOTH games).
Hadley from Life of a Dairy Queen has tagged me in 8 Is Enough.
8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. This weekend with NOTHING scheduled on Saturday!
2. School ending for husband and kids
3. Summer
road trip to MN and WI.
4. Scarlett's first birthday
5. Making
lasagna - sometime in the next few days - and getting to have the leftovers for lunch
6. My peppers to grow
7. My
nasturtiums (which are already blooming) going to seed - collecting the seeds are my favorite part of this flower - odd, I know, I should enjoy the beautiful flower more!
8. Husband and daughter coming home from school today :)
8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. grocery shopped
2. Made a
QU wedding cake for the kindergarten class
3. Raked - doing this a little
everyday to get it done
4. Cleaned toilets -
WooHoo - still better than dusting
5. Had a friend of my daughter's over after school
6. Tried to go to the Y - baby isn't wanting to stay in child care so any longer
7. Made Buffalo Wing Sandwiches for dinner
8. Watched some of Mary Poppins with the girls
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Cover an entire cake in fondant
2. Do a
back flip3. Upper body exercise - I am injured from a freak accident involving my daughter calling from the potty and a rouge chair. Everything hurts.
4. Knit
5. Pass the kitchen without snacking.
6. Run a 23 minute 5K - I'm at 25
7. French braid - with 3 girls
this would be a great skill to have.
8. Write an entire post without
8 Shows I Watch:
8 shows?!? I barely manage my one!
1. 90210 - the only one I watch every week
2. America's Next Top Model
3. 24
4. Biggest Loser
Now I'm supposed to tag 8 people to do this (and the keep it real one as well). . .so here goes:
Anne at
Teaching TwoShannon at
Shannon's CreationsVivienne at
The V-SpotShelby at
Schweri StoriesAnnissa at
Learning Together Hand in HandTonya at
Small Town Louisiana Girl