Please tell me you have heard of your "3 foot bubble" or some other personal space rule. I distinctly remember in high school health class we were taught that everyone has a personal buffer of 3 feet on all sides of them, into which, you are not to enter, hence, the "3 foot bubble" rule. I like my personal space. I need my personal space. I understand that kids are not privy to this information and are therefore not expected to abide. I didn't learn it until high school so I will grant those younger than 14 a pass on this one. I also understand that going to major public events makes this rule null and void. Nobody can expect their bubble stay intact at concerts, parades, Christmas shopping, etc. But in most other situations I expect to be allowed my space. Which brings me to my little rant.....
I was doing my grocery shopping on a slow Wednesday morning with baby attached to me, as always, in the Baby Bjorn. Publix was almost deserted - just how I like it. Two lanes were open. No waiting. I unloaded the quickest I could with the screeching bundle attached to my chest. I am waiting for the cashier to beep my stuff when I feel a breath on my neck. There is someone close enough to me that their jacket is brushing against the back of my legs. Seriously it must have looked like I was the line leader in a preschool classroom. Those preschoolers can fit at least 6 other preschoolers into their bubble with room to entertain.
What is a girl to do? I took a very hard step back and nailed my target, the culprits toes. Go ahead and gasp. It couldn't have been too hard. There was no way to gain momentum in the entire 6 inches I had until I hit her. I immediately apologized, and she moved back *a little* but I wanted to shout out "Hey lady, you are in my bubble!!!" I looked at her like she was crazy. She looked at me like I was a crazy. She doesn't know the half of it.
So please, if you see a lady with baby attached, trying to run errands at the least busy time of day, just back off a little. Let her enjoy her 3 feet of guarded bliss. She promises that no bodily harm will come to you.
It's Friday, which means that over at An Island Life it is time for Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays we take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, she asks a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. Then everyone else asks a simple question of their own blog for others to answer.
Which brings me to my question (I know, FINALLY):
What little thing that strangers do annoy you immensely?
Rant away :) Get it off your chest so you can enjoy your weekend! Remember to visit HERE for more Aloha Friday questions!
Don't forget to visit me next week when I will be doing my first GIVEAWAYS!
They caht on their phones whil inline. seriously i dont care that bobby sue got knocked up by billy who is cousins with fred who loves george whose parents are bubba and hilda who grow mater's.......lol
ReplyDeletehi im just browsing blogs and landed here. i love meeting other moms. please feel free to pop by some time shanilieatamomslove.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletelove the title of your blog! haha
smacking their gum..cant stand it!!! Or chewing really loudly!
ReplyDeleteI get annoyed when people are rude, espeially when I am in a line in a store.
ReplyDeleteAside from dealing with rude people, I do not like when strangers come up to my children, especially if they touch them. I have to bite my tongue not to tell them to back off!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, that's it... That's what annoys me. People in my personal space. When I'm at the store, people that are not courteous and respectful of others. Stop right in front of you in the aisle, with their shopping cart so you can't get around them, etc.... but oh.... get in my space and I'm done. I'm so going to step on toes from now on! Great plan!
ReplyDeleteI really hate when I'm in a store and I'm looking at something and someone walks in front of me without saying excuse me. It makes me crazy. And also no matter where I go, if I'm on line or whatever, someone wants to talk to me. People I've never seen in my life before. Everywhere! I dont even look like I'm that nice of a person!!
ReplyDeleteI don't like when they're sitting in a restaurant or wherever LOUDLY talking on their cell phones.
ReplyDeletelol that's totally awesome what you did... haha.... nice...
(btw... I *hate* people like that! they tend to find me at work all the time, i've learned the foot-in-front-of-foot rule.... keep your right froom in front of your left and lean backwards, it automatically gives you at least 8 in of personal space... unless they are behind you, then in that case you might want to say "oh i'm sorry did i step on your toes, would you mind getting the %#*%&#*& out of my way and learn what a personal bubble is..." maybe you should keep off the end part....)
Thank you for the heads up that my link on An Island Life was not working. I have corrected it!
ReplyDeleteDeborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Complain that the baby must be cold - or worst of all touch her hand and say that they are cold. Get your stinking hands off my baby. It makes me nuts when strangers touch my kids.
ReplyDeleteGive me advice. I can't handle it.
ReplyDeleteOnce I had an old man kiss my baby! I don't mind you talking to my kids but don't kiss them!!
ReplyDeleteGreat question.
Lack of manners! Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand people who are on their bluetooth thingy walking around loking like they are talking to themselves. What is so important that they can't wait until they are home?
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on the bubble, can't stand it when people get too close like that. Sounds like a lot of us have the same peeves! People with a permanently attached Bluetooth are annoying. A couple more - people who are really loud eaters/drinkers in a movie theater and those who won't quit talking. Seat kickers. Anyone who waits until their whole purchase has been rung up at the store and then start fishing around in their purse for their checkbook. Wow, I'm cranky today! LOL.
ReplyDeletewhen i overhear someone talking mean or disrespectful of someone - especially a parent talking to their child in such a manner.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the closeness. I have five foot personal space. Cross it intentionally for a period of time, and my face turns from a smile to a somber stare. lol
ReplyDeletelol Sarah... that's great... might I add to that cranky people who let their 2 year old children play with their iPhone or iPod and their kid drops it and somehow it's my fault?! but i'm with ya on the checking out thing...
ReplyDeletewhat gets me is when the person in the express lane working the register is being lazy and slow, it's like, okay i know it's walmart, but come one at least have someone half decently paced work the express lane.... but then again maybe my hopes are too high for walmart...
I don't like it when strangers complain to me about a long line or a rude customer while I'm stuck in line next to them. It always makes me uncomfortable and embarrassed for them.
ReplyDeleteI love your question! Thanks for the great description of your incident. I can just picture it! There are many things strangers do to annoy me...mostly what you mentioned above. But I also REALLY HATE IT when people keep staring at me. It drives me up the wall. Especially when I look away, look back and they are still staring. Then they get the "Mom's look of death" (as my kids & hubby call it!)
ReplyDeleteI'm following you!
Please check out my Aloha Friday question at:
http://eightymphmom.blogspot.com thanks!
lol great question!!! A million things drive me crazy.. but one in particular.. is when people talk on their cell phones SO Loud in the store.. talking about deals or mergers or money.. Most of the time I feel myself rolling my eyes lol I mean really.. no one cares about your merger deals!!! lol
ReplyDeleteI gotta have my personal space. That story makes my neck hairs stand up:)
ReplyDeleteI have another experience to add. Yesterday I was with Bahara, my student from Afghanistan. When I got up from the booth at the restaurant the person from the adjoining booth got up at the same time and we "got in each others way." We both apologized and went our own way. Bahara said she would like to see such a nice way of treating each other in her country. In Afghanistan people would be come involved in a blaming each other with raised voices.
ReplyDeleteI read the responses on the website and certainly agree that many of the episodes do have to do with abuse of the commons and in some even personal space (example, kissing the baby).
Just my two cents worth.
Love to you,
"On a beach in Mumbai, India, the weather enticed only the birds. However two people were determined to take advantage of this beautiful beach. The American walked out and found a spot farthest from structures and traffic and settled in. An Indian comes out and looks up and down the deserted beach spots the man
and stakes out his spot next to the American."
When I was in India we were warned that if we kept the personal space Americans like, we would never make it onto the train or into the Taj Mahal. Also in any crowd we would find ourselves separated and lost. If we weren't touching the person in front of us, we were not in line. I recall this was also the same in Ecuador though it was not nearly as crowded and less of a practical matter.
Personal space is developed culturally and is another thing to consider before criticizing others for "getting in our space." On bad days/moments it is especially easy to become angry with others for intruding. A stepped on toe followed by a heartfelt apology is part of the dance of humanity trying to be human. Thank you for using your manners verbally if not in spirit.
I can't stand when someone is in my personal space. I was in California once and this guy was almost on top of me in a line and for no reason. No one was behind him yet he was right on top of me. I can't stand that more than anything. I love your stepping back on them... I will have to remember that. If they have to stand so close... the deserve what they get. Hopefully I have some really sharp and pointy heals on. LOL...
ReplyDeleteI wrote this big long response to your Aloha Friday post on Friday but my computer at home wouldn't let it go through. I just kept getting this annoying error. I wanted to respond so I am back today from my work computer (lunch time). LOL....
I can't stand it when someone belittles their children or "reprimands" them physically in public. It's bad enough that they do it in public...can you imagine how much worse it must be at home. I always want to snatch up the (normally ADORABLE) kid and love them for a minute.