Welcome to Kid Friendly Friday where we share anything that is kid related.
Anyone with kids knows the dangers of chemicals around the house. I'm sharing two things that seriously limit the cleaning products you need to have around.
The book
Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck is a great resource for non-toxic cleaning. I was able to find it at my library. I'm sure most of you already know that vinegar is one serious all purpose cleaner. I have used it in the past but needed the reminder. I have used an already prepared spray to clean my fruits and veggies but this stuff can be expensive. Instead, spray the food with vinegar and then with hydrogen peroxide. Two spray bottles and a bottle of each vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is less than one bottle of the prepared spray. Plus, you can use your vinegar to clean pretty much everything. Did you know that instead if Jet Dry, you can pour vinegar into the rinse dispenser in your dish washer for sparkly dishes? Lots of other quick, easy, and non-toxic tips in this book! Less chemicals = happier me.

Last week I gathered up all my Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards and bought a steam cleaner. I had seen them on many blogs lately - product giveaways do work, and no, I am not getting anything for this plug of their product :) I have mostly tile floors in the house and a crawling baby. I need these floors clean but don't want baby crawling all over harsh chemicals either!
The beauty of the steam cleaner is
1. You are using only water, no cleaners
2. The steam is hot enough to disinfect
3. The pads that are used get thrown in the washing machine - so no waste!
4. Easy, quick and does the job fantastically
Sherry at A Little Fun With Me and Lu is starting a Kids in the Kitchen carnival on Thursdays starting in a few weeks. She cooks a dessert with her daughter every Wednesday (go see) and has inspired me to cook with my girls more often. Start getting those little aprons out!
Enter your own Kid Friendly Friday post into Mr. Linky below (just click on the Mr. Linky box and he'll come up in another screen). Recipes, reviews, crafts...you name it. Come back to see what other great ideas are posted. Thank you for participating ~ Enjoy your weekend.