Cheaper Than Therapy holds
A Thousand Word Thursday each week. Go
visit to check out other pictures! Michelle over at
Psalm 104:24 hosts Three Things This Thursday. I like to do them together. Randomness and pictures.
1. When it rains, it pours. I have easy weeks and I
have really, really busy weeks. There doesn't seem to be a happy medium. This one is crazy. It's the last week of school for both girls. There are ceremonies, parties, and special event days. Mimi is also having her birthday party on Saturday. She won a karate party during one of the events at the karate studio so we are having her school friends attend. Going with the karate theme I did these cookies for party favors. I am also making a similar cake. Should be a fun time!
2. Last week Mimi had water day at school. My husband brought her flowers that day and was told that Mimi not only had her
tankini top on inside out but her bottoms were on crooked and her stuff was hanging out. Nice, mom. Maybe I shouldn't have let her dress herself. The sad part was that after she had dressed in her suit that morning, I put sunscreen on her and didn't notice her disheveled suit. I need to be less focused on the task at hand and begin seeing more of the big picture. Luckily she is too young to care. This is the girl who goes to school almost every day with her shoes on the wrong feet.
3. I can't wait for school to be out. I will miss the girl's teachers dearly but will be glad to have laid back summer days. My husband is a teacher so we really have fun summers. We are leaving for an almost month long trip to Minnesota next week. My posts may be few and far between. Enjoy the rest of your week!