Friday, October 9, 2009

Kid Friendly Friday - Shell Necklaces

Hello! Welcome to Kid Friendly Friday where we share things other parents might like to do with their kids. name it! Join along by linking your post (old or new) below.
Last weekend I spent some time on Sanibel Island collecting shells. When I collect shells, I collect with a project in mind. HERE is what we did last time. This time I got the pretty thin, shiny ones so I could poke holes in them (with a large safety pin). Some of them broke in half while doing it. I tried to poke into a towel so the stress was equally distributed. The girls then picked out which ones they wanted to use, laid them out in the order they wanted, and I helped (lots of help) them string and tie them on embroidery floss. I also put clasps on them but the pictures don't show it. Easy, fun, almost free :)
What have you been up to this week? Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Those are beautiful shells! You must be on the south east coast? We don't get *anything* like that on the pacific NW shores.

  2. This is a wonderful craft! How fun! I am sure wishing I lived near the water, and could collect shells when I had a project in mind. I love seashells.

    I have sure missed not visiting you and your wonderful creativeness. I have been H1N1'd, started college and just been plain busy! I have also taken over Make-Do Monday from Ann Kroeker. It seems life just keeps getting busier and busier!

    Have a wonderful day and weekend!

    Practically Perfect Life
    Make-Do Mondays
