A friend of mine was sitting in a waiting room recently and found herself with a teen magazine as her only reading material. What she gleaned from it was priceless to me. First, clumpy mascara is in....sorry, can't get on board with that one. I would feel the need to explain it to everyone. Not for me. The one that I can fully embrace is painting only 2 of your fingernails on each hand. THIS, my friends, is brilliant. I like the look of painted nails but they chip so quickly and redoing nails so often is impossible for me to keep up with. But 4 nails...I can keep up with 4 nails.
Since doing this last night it has been going over and over in my head. Life is like the 4 painted nails. I can't do it all. It's me outwardly showing that yes, a full set of painted nails would be nice, but I cannot do it. It's a display of me and my hot mess. I don't need to put on a facade of being all put together. Every time I look at my 4 nails I am reminded of doing only what I can handle, and it brings me joy!