Friday, February 10, 2012
My Newest Cake - 1966 Shelby Cobra Cake
I had no idea that there even was such a thing as a 1966 Shelby Cobra before taking on this project. Nice car. Fun cake to make. This is my first cake of a three cake weekend. Thankfully the others are just large layer cakes.
My oldest turned 9 this week and we had a slumber party for 11 girls on Saturday. Wow. That is an undertaking that I can do once or twice a year max. We played freeze tag outside with all the lights off and glow bracelets on. I love this picture of all of them glowing. We also played LOTS of Just Dance 3. Can't beat that.
For Christmas we got the girls Jeremy Camp tickets...and the concert is tomorrow (I guess it's tonight, I'm up WAY past my bedtime. Only time to do the cake.). WooHoo. I'm sure I am more excited than the girls. I really don't like concerts (I really am getting old) but Jeremy Camp is my favorite and I can't wait to do a little worshipping!
I'm still watching the Mars Hill Luke Sermon series and loving it. Check it out if you are in need of some Bible time. I'm on part 14, Jesus Without Sin. Awesome.
Off to bed!
You're cake business must be really taking off? Or just posting more pictures? Either way, you do a great job! I forgot to email you the info about the frills/ruffles on the cake. I'll find the tutorial and email it to you. I ended up making my own since I wasn't going to go out and buy a specialty cutter. I'll email you all the info.